Our very own Denroy Anderson, a 10th grader, has created his own CBO: Project S.H.A.R.E.S which stands for Sharing Homes and Resources for Everyone.
To honor the upcoming holiday season and to embody the Moral Compass of Kindness, we have decided to host our first food drive on November 15th. We have partnered up with the Culinary team and a nearby church to prepare and provide freshly cooked meals for those in our community. We’d love your help to make this food drive a success! To contribute, we’re kindly asking for dentations of the following nonperishable items:
Boxed pasta or macaroni
Cranberry sauce
Boxed stuffing
Turkey, Stuffing
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Canned Beans
Canned green beans
Canned carrots
Corn Muffin Mix
Jell-O or Pudding Mix
Pasta Sauce
Canned Fish (Tuna/Salmon)
Canned Soup
Chicken or Turkey Broth
Canned Fruit